Chairwoman of Nevada Gaming Control Board Resigns

In an important development, the Executive Director and Chairwoman of the Nevada Gaming Control Board (NGCB) Sandra Douglass Morgan has resigned to pursue other exciting opportunities in the corporate field. Her resignation is effective from November 6, 2020. Releasing the statement about the resignation, the outgoing chairwoman said that it was a wonderful experience to work in such a professional setup while collaborating and accomplishing new things with the help of highly skilled staff.
Elaborating on the board’s accomplishments in the last two years, Morgan said that various procedures and policies implemented by them have helped the gaming industry dispense with past discriminatory processes. The board’s decision has also helped the modernization of the functional procedure adopted by the games, and more importantly, helped the industry take effective measures against the spread of the virus in the wake of Covid-19.
The working fellows at the board have been instrumental in discharging not only the regular duties but also helping the others and communities at large organize a series of safety measures and operational procedures. In turn, this has helped establish the gaming industry to provide a safe and secure working and gaming environment to all the concerned stakeholders. Morgan further added that she is and always will be proud that she has been associated with the gaming industry and thanked the Governor of the board for providing for the opportunity to serve.
Board governor Sisolak took to Twitter to express his gratitude to Morgan for all her hard work and dedication she had put into the gaming industry. While contending that the void left by the resignation of Morgan will be felt, Sisolak expressed the hope that leadership qualities infused by Morgan into the board will help them in filling her place quite competitively.