In Port Elizabeth: it is demanded by the Eastern Cape MEC that gambling be fully legalized in the country

The positive news comes for those in favor of gambling in the country of South Africa. According to the latest sources, the Members of the Executive Council in the Eastern cape have stated that it is important that gambling is made legal in the country. It is when the gambling is made legal that more jobs can be created, and more revenue can be obtained. Some important discussion took place at the Boardwalk hotel in Port Elizabeth, where the 15th Gaming Regulations Africa Forum was being held. At this meeting, Mlungisi Mvoko said that through the means of new technology, the revenue within the district could be increased.
At this forum, Mvoko also went onto compare the gaming sector with the sector of digital currency. He says that technology can bring in positive results in the gaming sector, just like it did in the area of virtual currency. There were representatives from the various sections of the country at this conference, and the objective of the gambling conference revolved around the changes in the landscape of the economy at the global level, and how the gambling industry has been impacted through it.
A major part of the conference also focused on compensating the losses in the tourism industry, as well as those significant losses in the manufacturing of cars. Mvoko insisted that complete legalization of gambling industry may help in pulling the region out of the crisis.
It is easy to notice that the gambling has been legal in the country for a while now, however, the online gambling is a sector heavily regulated primarily because of the suspicions of the authority that online gambling might make the citizens in the weaker section of the society susceptible to abuse.
It will soon be found as to how will the discussion that took place at the conference affect regulations in the country regarding online gambling.