SciPlay Raising Funds for Direct Relief to Deploy Medical Supplies to Ukraine

The Russia and Ukraine conflict began more than a month ago. The conflict has only escalated through weapons. Leaders across the globe are still taking measures to end this conflict.
The conflict has rendered millions of people flee their homes and has destroyed properties worth billions of dollars. Thousands of people have lost their lives, and hundreds have gone missing.
SciPlay Raising Funds For Ukraine
There is no ETA as to when the conflict will end. However, one thing that every organization has decided to do is offer supportive help to those who have been severely affected. Attempts are being made to help them survive and go through this conflict.
SciPlay, a developer and publisher of digital games, has come forward to help Direct Relief raise funds for Ukraine. SciPlay launched a campaign, Spin4Good, which has committed to raising a total of $100,000 by April 14, 2022.
SciPlay raises funds towards Spin4Good every time a player spins the slot on a virtual slot machine. For 100,000 spins that players perform, $1 will be added to the fund. SciPlay has extended this to six of its online slot games. The games include Bingo Showdown, Jackpot Party, Monopoly Slots, 88 Fortune Slots, 7 Hit Shot Casino, and Gold Fish Casino Slots.
Players can choose to play any game they want. For every spin they perform, a contribution will be made simultaneously towards the fund.
Josh Wilson, the Chief Executive Officer of SciPlay, stated that SciPlay was with everyone who was trying to survive the conflict in and outside Ukraine. Josh Wilson thanked his team for coming together for this noble cause and providing this opportunity to its players.
Direct Relief is a non-profit organization currently working with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Direct Relief has also partnered with others who are operating in Ukraine. The purpose of the partnership is to reach out to those affected faster.
Till now, Direct Relief has delivered 164 tons of medical supplies. The humanitarian organization has been working with the people of Ukraine since the conflict broke out.
A list of medical supplies that have been provided, or are being provided, are oxygen concentrators, emergency response packs, and critical care medicine, among many others.
SciPlay has established its name for web and mobile platforms in terms of digital casino games. It has a wide base of customers who are more than willing to participate in this noble cause.
The community has responded well to this initiative. More details are expected in the coming days or after the fund-raising has concluded on April 14, 2022.