Prairie Meadows Fined $20K for Underage Gambling Violation

Prairie Meadows located in Altoona, Lowa, United States is a Thoroughbred and Quarter Horse racetrack casino. The company has slot machines, table games, simulcasting, regional entertainment, live poker racing, dining centers, and meeting facilities.
Prairie Meadows received a fine of $20,000 from the Lowa Racing and Gaming Commission for allowing an underage 19 years old man. The person was found gambling and drinking alcohol earlier this year.
According to the Lowa Racing and Gaming Commission, the underage man entered the casino through the hotel room and moved towards the third floor. When the man headed towards the second-floor hotel link towards the casino, the guard posted at that time failed to recognize his identification, and he was allowed to enter the gaming floor. The underage man gambled at several slot machines, took alcohol and beverage given to him by his adult friend.
According to the further report, this man entered the gaming room twice without being noticed and was there for an hour gambling and consuming alcohol. Prairie Meadows Inc. has agreed to pay a penalty of $20,000 to the Lowa Racing and Gaming Commission. He has ten days to pay that $20,000 to the commission.
Clint Pursley, Vice President of Security Operation Prairie Meadows said that $20,000 is a lot of money for him, but he respects the decision of Commission and ready to pay the penalty. Lowa Racing and Gaming Commission has confirmed the legal age to gamble and drink is 21, and this action shows how strict they are for the underage. This type of cases rarely happens in casinos.